Wall ClikMagnet (10/Bag)


Available on backorder

1 piece
$45.99 (2% off)
26 pieces
$44.60 (5% off)
100+ pieces


The perfect solution for a vertical metal surface. Specify the Wall ClikMagnet™ to hang and hold display and decor items, strip merchandisers or production documents on a vertical ferrous surface like a metal post, shelf gondola or production machinery.

The unit contains a powerful neodymium magnet with a 3M anti-slip backing to resist slipping. The strength of the Wall ClikMagnet is in the vertical direction. Holds up to 8 lbs. (3.6kg)

Install at height with the MagMover™ and MagPole™. Place the ring on the MagMover with the black surface pointing out; lift and connect. Remove manually or by putting the MagMover’s corkscrew through the ring and pulling the unit. It safely disconnects for effortless retrieval.


  • White
  • 1″x 1″x 1.5″ with an open hook on one edge and a metal ring opposite
  • 10/bag
  • Each bag weighs .39 lbs (.18kg).

Item #10-96020


  • STRONG MAGNETS. Handle with care to avoid injury.
  • Keep all magnets away from credit cards, videotapes, computers and other electronic devices!
  • Do not swallow magnets.

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